The Journeyman's League

You can consider us an organization of vested tradesmen in the truest of sense. We operate the fastest, most consistent trade routes in Valtus - handle local economy - and keep politicians from sticking their noses too far into what doesn't concern them. We also distribute work to adventurers…such as yourselves.

Typically, these jobs are posted from our central headquarters in Marilao and are to secure high value items from remote locations for wealthy interested parties.

I'm looking for a group of individuals for a special kind of job. One that requires contractual secrecy on threat of death.

The reward I can offer you in exchange is this - permanent land ownership in Anwill, as well as a trade license. Wealth outside of your objective will also be yours to keep. What do you say?

-C. Getty Watts


Founded in the early common era as a simple adventuring guild, the League has since run with its success and built an empire of capitalists that govern trade and disposition of high level adventuring missions.

Nigh invariably, adventurers seem to find themselves working for the League in some capacity as their campaigning days draw to a close, and many go on to vie for positions of influence whether its government or private sector as merchants / market monopolists.

Public Agenda

Each outpost has its own discrete agenda, however the current leader, Koel Vishtal is as any oligarch - driven by fame, money, and influence. His command of international trade routes has pressure on every major civilization in Valtus.

What is unknown to everyone is that he's been in contact with the Prophetess Yob, and is directly involved in destabilizing Caerynian economy to inspire war in Edorin - resulting in a weapons race that ultimately saw the downfall of The Order of the Sight Unseen.


Funding is their entire business model, but there are several primary means - the most lucrative of which is the control of Valtus's trade routes and shipment of specific hard-to-find goods such as spices, spell reagents, rare game, and illicit substances.

Each body that wants to use the League's ships, or acquire these items must negotiate a contract and pay the subsequent dues, which include the upkeep of the Hands of the League (their private military), the hired ships and crew, as well as an overhead fee, insurance, and wholesale cost of the goods in question. This contract also contains a non-compete clause, insuring the client's return business if necessary.

Additional funding comes through the adventuring arm of the League. Each outpost governs their mission boards independently and issues similar contracts to prospective clients. Each commissioner must sign and pay an overhead fee, the cost and maintenance of hired adventurers, and asset insurance in the case of an adventurer failing to return. Similarly, this contract also contains a non-compete clause.

Commissioners of the League may *only* come to the League with work for a period of time no less than 5 years after their last posted job.

This has effectively edged out most adventuring guilds, but a few remain - such as the Crowvain, who primarily service lower income clients.

Their final primary source of income comes from any outpost that is successful enough to become the sole government of a location, as is the case with [[Anwill]]. As with any government, this position allows for the League to collect taxes, write law, and work with neighboring cities in a professional, political capacity.

...In Anwill/ Koel Vishtal/ C.Getty Watts/ The Journeyman's Teaching Hall/