The Ashlar Founders

Conservation Above Exploitation


The Ashlar Founders are the primary followers of Moradin in Edorin. Currently head by an unlikely character - a one Ferrine Solitaire, a half-elven dwarf.

In ages past - their goal has been to maintain natural cave systems, promote healthy growth of crystal and rock formations, and responsibly share the bounties of the earth. However, with Solitaire's involvement, that focus has expanded to also include elevating the magical qualities of these resources.

The old headquarters of The Founders in Vespire which was once an enormous forge and smithy, has evolved into not just a forge, but a prestigious school for learning enchanting, inscription, and jewel crafting.


The organization is led by Headcrafter Ferrine Solitaire, who manages the daily affairs of the school, as well as its involvement with local politics. He's followed by an order of Acolytes who directly oversee the more religious aspects such as tending to the Great Forge and holding ceremonies.

Second in the hierarchy are the four Iron Sentinels who oversee mine production, including arranging trade deals and management of economic strategy. They also serve as the Headcrafter's personal security detail. Their subordinates, the Shapers, handle the smaller tasks of communications from the mines, as well as act as general enforcement (both domestic, and natural).

Beneath them are the Shalekeepers and Stonefellows who share a rank of importance. The Shalekeepers (with their Keepers) are a druidic order of Moradin that regularly venture into the mine to evaluate its health, and where necessary, call upon the forces of nature to preserve and restore the stone to maintain its longevity.

Lastly, the Stonefellows with their miners are the blue-collar workers of the stone itself.


The Founders aren't as reclusive as some other sects of Moradin followers. Members can often be found among town helping with local construction and infrastructure projects, or hiring themselves out to do the same elsewhere.

The alpine elves associated with the sect lead a somewhat different lifestyle in that they concentrate more on the conservation of resources than construction. They can often be found at the Forge helping Solitaire teach classes, or working with Governor Son'Varis to maintain a healthy trade balance.

Generally speaking, The Founders are a friendly and overwhelmingly helpful group - if highly focused on their mission.

...In Vespire/ Ferrine Solitaire/ Solantry Academy/