The Vault

Here's where you can find different DM resources that I've put together, as well as some worldbuilding from my homebrew campaign.





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Initial Party Stats

Rare image of me as the DM
The Party at Large
  • Bellatrix - Half-elf Barbarian
  • Banner - Goliath Monk
  • Dia of Tamor - Human Cleric
  • Cormon - Gnome Artificer


To preface the following excerpt -- this is my first campaign as a DM, and this was my session 1 introduction for the party. It's very rough -- but charming I think. Naturally, some of the details have changed in the canon since the beginning; but I like to look back on this ocassionally to see how far I've come :)

And So It Begins

Welcome to Caeryn, the leading metropolis and port city on the continent.

Today is a day like any other. People go about their business - bustling about marketplaces and common areas while birds sing and distant bells chime out in the air.

Our story begins on the Telari University campus; known for being at the forefront of all arcane science and discovery through its rich, though sordid history. Many countries throughout this region have held a long standing belief that magic is the right to the elite. Recently however, the school has come under fire for opening the school to all - a decision long fought for by a rising group of free-thinkers.

Unfortunately, there’s one thing marring what would typically be an momentous time of change. There’s been a rash of student murders the last few weeks. When a school can’t protect its own, why would anyone want to apply?

That brings us to now, the typically peaceful atmosphere of the great lawn is broken by shouting. Hundreds of people have come to protest.

Voices are overlapping, each growing more heated than the last, but a few points are being made.

“Why change what has worked for us for years?”

“There’s no proof the working class even has the gift!”

“Who would want to sign up to be a target??” Countered in turn by

“A killer is a temporary problem, but inequality will last if we don’t take steps to change”

“Magic has been proven to be a gift to all, you’re just blind to the evidence!”

It’s starting to get rowdy. Arcane energy crackles from agitated social elite, and daggers are clutched by the less fortunate. Eventually, law enforcement steps in and takes the stage, using amplified voice magic to shout over the crowd. She’s shorter and well-built, with brown hair braided into a mohawk. Chief of police, Maris Lorning.

“That’s enough, all of you!” A hush falls over the crowd as guards file in, standing in between the arguing sides -an anti-magic field shimmers around them “I don’t want to take aggressive action here today, but if this crowd is not dispersed, we will have no choice.”

A few angry shouts break the silence and Maris holds her hands out reproachfully. “Yes, I know there’s a murderer loose in our city. We are doing the best we can to apprehend the individual. In the meantime, if anyone - anyone - has any information that might lead to their arrest, I implore you to come forward. Now please…go back to your daily lives. There will be a city council meeting to address these complaints CIVILY in a week’s time.” She waits a few moments from her vantage point - watching as slowly small groups of the crowd pull away, but still, squabbling remains. She sighs and motions for the guards to shepherd the rest away.

Eventually, peace returns to the lawn and Maris enters the university to discuss the situation with Headmaster Il’Padan.

— Later in an inn —

It's getting late and the barkeep is wiping down the counter and putting tankards away on shelves behind the bar. A few patrons remain, regulars, unafraid to push closing time to the last minute. Suddenly, the door slams open with a bang, and a young elven woman stumbles and falls into the seating area. She's bleeding heavily from what appears to be a stab wound in her side. Her clothes are torn, and she has scratches across her arms and legs.