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Welcome to the Shadows!

A homepage and blog that lies on the outskirts of Valtus



I just finished putting together my halloween shrine, as well as a small ofrenda dedicated to my cat (whom I lost almost exactly a year ago now). Check it out for spookie recommendations and such!


YIKES. Popping in really fast because I want to get these links out there (and saved so I can return to them later myself). In light of the latest Hasbro press release, someone on bsky has started collating a bunch of D&D/TTRPG creators into a directory as alternatives to WotC official content. You can find the sheet directly here :

Google Sheet Directory of Creators

And then the original bsky thread here :

Bsky Thread with Request for Submissions

My Own List of Favs too FWIW

Links to news articles as well :

Take care everyone. Stay creative!



No seriously, I have so much work to do and I can't stop poking at my wiki.

That being said, it's really coming along. I recommend checking it out via This Link. Or the link on the sidebar. I've got a few wiki articles uploaded so far, as well as a links page. Tons of D&D resources there for those that are so inclined

In other news, I think I'm finally done with events for a while! Saturday my husband and I worked the First Saturday Artwalk at my studio downtown. I had my studio open, and he sold stuff for me while I sat in the gallery and painted publicly with several other artists. It was a lot of fun and I got to meet some pretty cool people.

As a part of the event, the other residents and I each painted a small section of the hallway leading from the stairs down into the basement where we work. Here's a pic of me standing with my finished mural -

There's so much cleanup to do now though. I need to head down to the studio and take down all of my vending materials and finish putting together commission info to post to my socials. EEEUUGH. Ok. Hope everyone's doing well. Take care folks!


Update time ~~

So I survived the convention! I'm always nervous going into it, but once I'm there it's like second nature - I love being at comic/anime conventions as a professional (I mean, as an attendee too, but it's a totally different experience). Totally stoked too, because I was able to sneak away from my table for a little while on the first day so I could get a signed print from Doug Jones!

Absolute treasure of a human, so happy I got to see him!

Anyway, I've been poking around on Codepen - rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic if you know what I mean, but I really wanted to find a music player that fit the aesthetic so I could add some cool jams to the place. It's so corny but I love it. I'll be surprised if even one person recognizes where the music is from - but it's like ingrained into my memory from childhood haha. You can find a video of someone installing and playing the game here -> Hardwood Solitaire

Also I'm rearranging my file structure on the backend, so a ton of images are broken in my toybox. Which, is for the best actually. I'll probably take it down for a while while I totally remake it.

Hope everyone's doing really well out there, I've got one more event to take care of this weekend - so more updates to follow soon!


First off - I have to apologize for my absolute lack of organization in how I update this site. It's a perpetual WIP and I hit that save button like it might save my last two braincells, not just my code. So...there's a billion 'updated' shots on my main page. Whoops.

That being said, you may have seen my recent updates to my toybox and to my vault - I got the wild hair to submit a cup to Afternoon Tea!. Pixel graphics are like...a guilty pleasure of mine. It's something I always wanted to get into when I was younger but never did, now as an adult with an artist career I realize I can do whatever the hell I want. Doesn't matter if I'm a trained animator or not

Here's the little guy I made ->>

To say I'm proud of it is an understatement. Still feels really goofy - but damnit, it's good to have something that brings me joy

Here's another graphic I made a while ago that hadn't made it online yet

This one is a sword I created for a character I (tried to) auction off - it's called the Bardenquil Rose! I even wrote 5e optimized stats for it, but it didn't really go anywhere...I'll probably still use it in my own game at some point.

Anyway - This weekend is my local comic convention and I'll be tabling, so I should get on with prep work. Take care everyone!


Gravity Falls Fanlisting Halloween Fanlisting Astarion Fanlisting Horror Games Fanlisting

The One Winged Angel protects the Vault